Plant-Based Healthy Meals


To help you make the switch, we’re giving you 30% off your 1st order with code WELCOME30. Our vegan wet dog food is served up in recyclable 375g cans and is 100% nutritionally complete, vet approved and created with industry expert pet food technologists and animal nutritionists.. With the option of three drool-inducing flavours, filled with delicious superfoods & premium ingredients and our innovative plant-based meat made from pea protein, your dog will look forward to their plant-powered meal times! The moist and juicy texture of our plant based dog food is a stew like texture, packed with aromatic and umami flavours that dogs love! This can be fed as a standalone, drool-inducing meal, or, can be mixed into our new dried food for the pawfect meal.. Your dog’s health is our top priority, and as the science shows, vegan dog food is not only great for your dog but our planet too. Our meals will help reduce your environmental pawprint by up to 17.6x less CO2e per can than a meat-based meal.. 90%+ digestibility: It’s all well that we pack our doggy dinners full of nutritious functional ingredients, but those nutrients are no good to any dog if they can’t be digested. These nutrients have the potential to build immunity, strengthen bones and nourish your pup’s skin and coat. What does 90%+ protein digestibility mean? In simple terms, it means that rather than simply pooping the good stuff straight out, your dog’s internal systems take them in and reap the benefits. Winner, winner, plant-based dinner!. If you want to learn more about Raising A Happy, Healthy Plant-Based Dog, download our FREE eBook

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To help you make the switch, we’re giving you 30% off your 1st order with code WELCOME30. Our vegan wet dog food is served up in recyclable 375g cans and is 100% nutritionally complete, vet approved and created with industry expert pet food technologists and animal nutritionists.. With the option of three drool-inducing flavours, filled with delicious superfoods & premium ingredients and our innovative plant-based meat made from pea protein, your dog will look forward to their plant-powered meal times! The moist and juicy texture of our plant based dog food is a stew like texture, packed with aromatic and umami flavours that dogs love! This can be fed as a standalone, drool-inducing meal, or, can be mixed into our new dried food for the pawfect meal.. Your dog’s health is our top priority, and as the science shows, vegan dog food is not only great for your dog but our planet too. Our meals will help reduce your environmental pawprint by up to 17.6x less CO2e per can than a meat-based meal.. 90%+ digestibility: It’s all well that we pack our doggy dinners full of nutritious functional ingredients, but those nutrients are no good to any dog if they can’t be digested. These nutrients have the potential to build immunity, strengthen bones and nourish your pup’s skin and coat. What does 90%+ protein digestibility mean? In simple terms, it means that rather than simply pooping the good stuff straight out, your dog’s internal systems take them in and reap the benefits. Winner, winner, plant-based dinner!. If you want to learn more about Raising A Happy, Healthy Plant-Based Dog, download our FREE eBook

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